Meet The Team
Over the years we have developed and perfected unique and individualized treatment regimens, focusing on injury management, metabolic deficit correction, and chronic inflammatory conditions. The Team's work has resulted in significant decreases in recovery time from acute and chronic injuries, attracting the interest of the world’s best athletes.

Dr. Joan Rubinger, FNPC, PhD, CSCS, ATC, founded All Pro Sports Medicine during the 2010-2011 NBA season. She is board certified in internal medicine, specializing in emergency medicine and clinical sports medicine. A former elite gymnast and two-sport NCAA Division I athlete, Rubinger graduated from Syracuse University prepared to embark on a career revolutionizing the practices and principles of sports medicine.
Rubinger did this in part by using her experience in the emergency room as a foundation of early “building blocks” for a clinical approach to sports medicine. Her comprehensive background in neuromuscular physiology, kinesiology, athletic training, strength & conditioning, sports nutrition, and internal medicine makes her uniquely qualified to treat conditions sustained by athletic individuals.
Over the years Rubinger has developed and perfected unique and individualized treatment regimens, focusing on injury management, metabolic deficit correction, and chronic inflammatory conditions. Her work has resulted in significant decreases in recovery time from acute and chronic injuries, attracting the interest of the world's best athletes. Together with some of the greatest minds in the industry, Rubinger design and test distinctive programs to achieve accelerated recovery timetables.She has become especially valuable to athletes approaching the end of their careers, as her clinical techniques have shown to increase longevity. Without a doubt, Rubinger’s fingerprint has been on the careers of NBA, NFL, MLB, World and Olympic Champions.
The Foundation aims to bridge the visible and palpable gap between the well-funded youth programs in mostly upper-middle class areas and those from impoverished and/or disenfranchised areas. This monster endeavor also serves as a safe and trustworthy source of sports medicine treatment, physical therapy, strength & conditioning programs, education in training, rehab, & preventative medicine, and premium emergency medical services.

We stole Amin from the Oakland Raiders, where he was routinely the highest performing sales and operations employee in the organization. Amin has a proven track record, in the areas of VIP sales, group sales, human resources, information technology, project management, and operations. He often collaborated with countless business owners, executives, and senior officers, aiding their companies by implementing solutions that directly impacted the success of their organizations. Amin’s proven experience in highly dynamic settings led him to flourish by pushing innovative boundaries in the areas of business operations, human capital management and project management, improving and empowering numerous companies along the way.
As the Director of Operations for All Pro Sports Medicine, Amin is responsible for developing operational procedures, functionality, collaboration, logistics, and symbiosis for all three arms of the company: services, products, and philanthropy. A born leader and relentless worker, Amin’s organizational and communication skills are second to none, and he is internally renowned for being the voice of reason within our company.
We want to show you why we are the most superior clinical sports medicine service available!
What Does The Treatment Entail?
Each athlete will receive medical and rehabilitative treatments involving clinical medications and procedures, as well as specialized therapeutic modalities, corrective movements, and manual manipulation. In addition, prescription services and family care are included.
How Can I Book A Treatment?
Athletes may call, text or email to formally book a round of treatment and request their preferred dates (2 to 3 consecutive days). The clinician will find space on his/her calendar and confirm that those dates work with your schedule. Once you confirm, your treatment is officially booked. If not at the clinic, you will likely be visiting the clinician at a hotel suite in your area, or in your own home. [Note: Groups take priority over individuals when requesting dates on the calendar.] Click here to reach out!
How Does The Treatment Process Work?
The clinician will need to see you for 2 to 3 consecutive days, depending on circumstances. Each treatment lasts approximately 60-90 minutes. For newcomers, your initial visit includes signing your patient intake forms explaining the risks and benefits of treatment involving medications, (including HIPAA and informed consent authorizations), plus a comprehensive assessment and detailed exam, so please plan a minimum of 90 minutes. For groups of 5 or more, your session could take a bit longer than average. No-shows will be charged a non-negotiable 50% of the clinician’s fee.
*Outcomes are not 100% guaranteed, as goes with any time you use medications, there are always risk of side effects or unsatisfactory results.
Can I Still Practice Or Play The Same Day As Treatment?
Yes! These treatments are designed for you to perform at your absolute best! In fact, you might find it much easier to breathe, easier to recover, and easier to sustain a high level of performance over a longer period of time.